Onama Products
The most comprehensive and simple platform which tackles the critical performance parameters for any organization with ease. A platform that takes care of all your customer data, documents, communication and operations including invoicing and payment tracking, which is accessible across devices.
Enterprise Automation Suite (EAS)
An end to end process automation suite for the manufacturing domain. Created in close association with a manufacturing company, offering unparalleled flexibility. Covering the entire flow from a sales enquiry to material dispatch, inventory planning and machine level production planning, it offers you something more than what the standard ERP would offer.
M2W: Machine to Web Automation
A unique and simple to use platform which can be used across domains. It communicates seamlessly with the machine controllers such as Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) to provide a layer to manage the application of the machine from anywhere. Our first forays in the field of Internet of Things, with current applications in Document & Material Storage & retrieval.